Other Treatments
Teeth Whitening
Megawhite express laser teeth whitening offers state of the art technology combined with a worldwide exclusive formula, guaranteeing clients a pain-free procedure with maximum results.
Cutting edge technology and top of the line equipment combined with the exclusive Megawhite whitening product leaves clients with a celebrity smile in 20 minutes, this advanced formula will instantly whiten your teeth.
Megawhite express teeth whitening is celebrity endorsed, safe, fast and effective, pain-free with guaranteed results.
Here at Stutio NK you can purchase your preferred Megawhite product and sit in the comfort of the salon using the lamp provided, follow the instructions printed on the back of the packaging and be amazed with your instant results.
Megawhite express teeth whitening is quick and simple, designed to be a lifestyle form of teeth whitening – express being the operative word.
Megawhite is not an in-depth teeth whitening. Megawhite is gentle but effective and should be a part of your beauty regime. Think of Megawhite like having your hair coloured or having your nails done- gone are the days of long treatments with huge price tags.
Price List
Beautiful You
Beauty Treatments
Megawhite Blue Fushion Express 20 min Treatment